Artist Willem Witse exhibition and the artist on clogs

Willem Witse on clogs

In the museum Jan Cunen in the place Oss, The Netherlands, there is a exhibition of the artist Willem Witse. He’s a versatile artist. He paints, photographs, etches and writes; disciplines that are closely connected within his oeuvre. His paintings are realistic, with a remarkably smooth touch; his etchings are sharp and lived-in. Compared to … Read more

Gala edition of Klompenrock 2024

klompenrock poster 2024 01

The Brabant farmhouse rock band MEUK has been playing for 12.5 years and will play during the gala edition of Klompenrock on Saturday, March 9, at Lunenburg Loosbroek. The gentlemen of the band are known for interacting with their audience. With every performance they come up with playful hooks to keep surprising the audience every … Read more

Last week there was Carnival in the Netherlands

Last week there was Carnival in the Netherlands

Carnival is an originally Catholic celebration that precedes the period of Lent. It probably originated in medieval Italy, where the masked ball attracted many spectators. From here it blew over to other parts of Europe. Many towns and villages in Brabant, Limburg, Gelderland and Zeeland have a carnival parade. During Carnival 2024, many activities start … Read more

Netherlands under the spell of high water

Netherlands under the spell of high water 2024-01-05 river Maas

The water in Dutch rivers and lakes is still high. Water levels will continue to rise in some places, but expectations are favorable. Little rain is expected and water can be drained from the IJsselmeer. The water in the Meuse has already peaked near Maastricht. Now the water flows via the river towards Rotterdam. That … Read more